Friday, June 10, 2011

Anne Vaughan Steiner

May 18, 2011
Anne Vaughan Steiner
June 20, 1928 – May 18, 2011

Very early in the morning I received a call from my sister Cheryl in San Antonio that our mother passed away peacefully in her sleep.  Our mother suffered from Alzheimer’s for many years, so we are confident that her struggle with this horrible disease is over and she is now whole and was welcomed to her eternal home by God and those who have entered His presence before her.

Plain and simple:  No one prepares you for what it's like to lose your mom.  I told a few friends that when you lose a mom you slip into a special sisterhood.  Your friends reach out and comfort you, pray for you, and check in on you to see how you are doing, but there is nothing like the consoling of a friend who has gone before you and experienced it herself.  They truly understand the loss you feel like no other.  I have learned a lot from this experience of losing a parent.  One is to be more thoughtful, more intentional, and more caring when my friends lose a loved one. 

Many times leading up to her death I would listen to one song on my iPod over and over – nothing in particular, but the same sounds would let me just zone out as I was not ready to deal with the sadness that would ensue.  Sometimes I felt numb.  I couldn’t read Scripture or pray, but  my heart always knew there were those who were standing at the throne on my behalf. 

If I may, and I guess I can since it's my blog,  ;)  I will repeat what I wrote on my Facebook wall as it’s a precious reminder of my sweet mother. 

Over the years whenever I visited my folks or they came to see us, my mother and I would leave little notes tucked in various places to be found after our visit had ended.  This made the end of a wonderful visit last a little longer.  A couple of years ago I was re-arranging some things stored under our bed when a slip of paper fell to the floor.  I turned it over to read the writing which said, “Sweet Dreams, Deb…Love Mom.”  When she was still able, she must have written the note and tucked it under my pillow for me to find that night when I went to sleep; only I didn’t until years later … when I needed it most. 

Sweet Dreams, Mom…Love, Deb

All Nations Praise...

May 1, 2011 - Sunday

On this Sunday our Koinonia International Fellowship (this is an English speaking group that meets for services on Sunday afternoons) joined in an “All Nations Praise” service at our Swedish Korskyrkan (church).  Many countries were represented in worship – Africa (Congo, Kenya, Cameroon, Tanzania, Sierra Leone), Iran, Peru, England, China, Philippines, Sweden, and of course the US!  It was an awesome time singing praise and worship songs that we love at home. 

If you recall early in the beginning of this blog I struggled with how many of the Swedes would not look or acknowledge a smile or warm “hello” – but I have to say these people were downright friendly and know how to get the praise groove on!!

After we sang songs of praise Pastor Anders (his first name) gave the message in Swedish with a young translator standing at his side speaking in English.  It was a wonderful message.   One of the questions he asked was, Who would thank you for making a difference in his life?  This was not about me feeling appreciated but about what impact of intentionality am I making in the lives of others?  Definitely convicting…

Below are pictures taken during the morning.

Africa was represented with the singing of  their own praise songs
 (These people are from our small international fellowship)

 Pastor Anders and Pastor Elson (their first names) welcoming everyone.
Elson leads our internationa group in Bible study on Sunday afternoons.
(It's not your computer - the picture is fuzzy)

Tacka Herren fÖr Han är god
(Thank the Lord for He is good)